Every Meal that we Prepare and Sell to our customers is made with a Mantra: “Let This Food Be
Nourishment to Their Soul”. Why, might you ask? Being in the Food Service Industry, Chill Will’s Kitchen has a grand opportunity and obligation to meet people where they are, at all levels in their life.
Eating for Simplicity and Enjoyment:
In consideration of our customers that order with us simply because they are hungry: May our food be nourishment to your soul and continue to feed that hunger and foster great satisfaction and positive experiences that drive you to greater happiness at the start, middle, or end of your meal and thereafter. May you continue to enjoy the pleasures of Good Eats.
Eating for the 1 st time in a long time:
In constant thought of our customers that order with us because it was their first meal of the day, first meal of the month, first meal as far as they can remember, or a meal to treat themselves because they don’t know their next meal will come from or when the next meal will be available: May our food be nourishment to your soul and continue to restore your energy, replenish your bones, refresh your mind and strengthen you to make you strong. May your food supply be abundant.
Eating for Friendship or with Family:
In consistent reflection of our customers that order with us because they are enjoying family and friends on a social night or otherwise, may our food be nourishment to your soul and afford you the ability to remain strengthened in your relationships with friends and family, may your meal bring you closer to one another, and your mealtime conversations in fellowship be guided such that they may steer your hearts to great purpose, self-actualization and fulfillment. Together, may your lives be enriched.
Eating for Undisclosed Internal Reasons:
In continual rumination of our customers that order with us to consume food in attempts to fill a void, or self-escape from fear, depression, insecurities, anger, nervousness, ailments and more. May our food be nourishment to your soul. Shall it bring you grace, and mercy from above. May our food bring you confidence and realization of your worthiness, your strength, your determination and power to overcome. Shall the ailment, void, fear, depression, insecurities, anger, nervousness and more be removed. May our food bring you insatiable happiness and encouragement that satisfies your appetite both physically and spiritually. Shall you flourish and be revealed to all the joys of this life.
Eating the Last Meal of the Day
In frequent regard of our customers that order with us because it is their last meal of the day as they
begin their wind down from the day’s activities, may our food be nourishment to your soul and fill you with gratitude for all your accomplishments, Mindfulness as you look back over your day, focus as you prepare for tomorrow and harmony as you enter into your rest.
At Chill Will’s Kitchen, we have the rare opportunity to create impact, known and unknown and through our Mantra “Let this food be nourishment to their soul” stated on all orders prepared and sold. Shall we continue to do just that! May our food Nourish you in ways that only your soul can receive. We LOVE 2 feed you!